Monday Magic ! / by Marko Russell

Todays Monday Magic moment is about creating in a time where art and music, photography can have THE MOST MEANING

We are now experiencing some of the toughest times I have seen our nation experience, from the Covid-19 Pandemic, to the currently existing and ever so important George Floyd murder and Protests in America, and now around the GLOBE!

I have heard of these things in our history happening but never in my lifetime did I think I would actually experience such things as Riots, Looting, mass vadalism, harsh racism.

What does this mean for ME? what does this mean for our nation? How do we make changes and create change in our world, where its needed the most and so FAST!

Tonight , protesters are due to meet up and show their support near my home city.
While I want to make a difference, I also dont want to get caught in the crossfires of some of the crazy backlash that occurs during these events.

So How can I make a difference? I am a creative artist. A musician, a photographer and most of all, a human who lives in the world with a lifetime feeling of wanting everyone to just have respect for each other.

Mondays from this day forward, will be my day to present you with something to think about for the week. Something to make magic in your world, in your week, in your community and to help make things so much better in the world, even if its just a simple thought.

So today, as you walk thru the day , and reflect on the madness going on in this cold world right now filled with so much FEAR, so much ANGER today, so much DESIRE for change …… Realize that until we all STAND AS ONE and make a difference in demanding we are all equal and have a voice, we won’t have anything but what we have had to date. Take a moment to ask even a random stranger “ How are you today” show some empathy and care for your fellow man because if we dont start to care about each other , the word CARE has no meaning anymore.

Im going to take some time today to capture photos that show CARING LOVE for one another in my community ! Be well!

Marko Russell

I am going to use my iPhone and Moment lens for todays creative sharing. If you haven’t tried them…